Voices of MSU Imagery

Voices of MSU

Current and Historical Experiences of Minority Students, Faculty, and Staff at Michigan State University

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Voices of MSU Imagery
MSU Cheerleaders ( 1972). Michigan State University cheerleaders at the MSU vs Northwestern football game on November 25, 1972.

Voices of MSU records the current and historical experiences and achievements of minority students, faculty, and staff at Michigan State University. Many of these experiences go undocumented or are only partially recognized in university yearbooks, newspapers, and other traditional sources of campus history. This lack of documentation then leads to an absence of a shared heritage across the university community and a missed opportunity to enrich the study, research, and acknowledgement of the contributions made by learners, educators, and researchers from different cultural backgrounds. These interviews help address those gaps in the archival record, contributing key perspectives to the history of Michigan State University.