Enslaved Imagery


Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade

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Points of Pride
  • Awarded $3.7 Million grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
  • Focused on individuals who were enslaved, owned slaves, or participated in slave trading
  • Changing our understanding of the Historical Slave Trade
Generously Supported By
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Enslaved Imagery
Charles Landseer - View of Sugarloaf Mountain from the Silvestre Road View Source

In recent years, a growing number of archives, databases, and collections that organize and make sense of records of enslavement have become freely and readily accessible for scholarly and public consumption. This proliferation of projects and databases presents a number of challenges: Disambiguating and merging individuals across multiple datasets is nearly impossible given their current, siloed nature; Searching, browsing, and quantitative analysis across projects is extremely difficult; It is often difficult to find projects and databases; There are no best practices for digital data creation; Many projects and datasets are in danger of going offline and disappearing.

In response to these challenges, Matrix: Center for Digital Humanities & Social Sciences at Michigan State University, in partnership with the MSU Department of History, University of Maryland, and scholars at multiple institutions, has begun work on Enslaved: Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade, a constellation of software and services built to address these challenges. Enslaved's primary focus is people-individuals who were enslaved, owned slaves, or participated in slave trading.