Pluralism and Adaptation is a collection of four multimedia collections that explore two characteristics of Islamic faith in Senegal and Ghana: pluralism and adaptation. Pluralism looks at how people of different religious persuasions- including Islam, Christianity, and Judaism -have coexisted and mutually respected one another for centuries. Adaptation studies the ways in which Islam has taken hold in a particular society and culture that have changed over time.
Specifically, the four collections look at: failed Islamic states in the 18th and 19th centuries that were futile attempts at spreading Islam through the Senegambia via the "jihad of the sword"; Senegambia branches of the Qadiriyya Sufi order and the Buk Kunta's translational religious community; commercial and gender morality among lay traders in the Kumasi region of Ghana; and discourses of Muslim scholars in colonial Ghana during the early 20th century.
Together, these collections help portray the often under-studied and misrepresented story of vibrant, contemporary Islamic practice in sub-Saharan Africa. The Pluralism and Adaptation collections serve as important resources in disseminating knowledge and access to these materials.